Most FAQs about Recreational Marijuana in Nevada 

Can I purchase legal marijuana in other states and bring it into Nevada?

No. It is illegal to cross Nevada state lines with marijuana from Colorado, California, etc.  However, once you’ve entered Nevada police cannot make you answer where you bought the weed and have little to no basis on which to charge you, as long as you’re carrying less than the legal amount.

Q: Can I enter or exit Nevada via plane carrying marijuana?

No.  Marijuana is still a federally prohibited drug.

According to Transportation Security Administration spokesman Nico Melendez, the TSA is not actively searching for marijuana among airline passengers, because it does not pose a threat to security. Melendez said, “it has no impact on our operations. If we find it, we’ll let police know. But it’s not something we’re in the business of searching for and not something we’re actively searching for.”

Can I purchase recreational marijuana at a dispensary with a credit card?

No.  All transactions must be conducted in cash.  Dispensaries have ATM machines on site for their customer’s convenience. 

Can the police ask me where I purchased my marijuana?


Marijuana can only be purchased legally from a licensed dispensary.  As long as you are under the limit, police can not ask where you purchased it.

Can I drive with weed in the car?


So long as you are not under its influence, you possess less than the legal limit and it is in a sealed container – you can drive with weed in your car legally.

What is the fine for consuming marijuana/cannabis in public?

Up to $1,000 and up to 6 months in jail or both.  The charge is a misdemeanor.